I love my kids. AWWW. Bleeping Motherhood.

I want to poke my eyes out. AHHHH. Bleeping Motherhood.

From The Roller Coaster by Bleeping Motherhood


I love my kids. I really do. But can we for just a quick second talk about how uneasy motherhood can be? How you can go from loving something so much that you’re heart is literally going to explode out of your chest, to wanting to throw in the towel on the whole damn thing.

Here’s me having a conversation with the universe:

ME: Is this some kind of cruel joke?

UNIVERSE: Nope. It’s motherhood.

ME: But why do I love my kids so much, and also want to poke my eyes out?

UNIVERSE: Silence.

ME: Bueller. Bueller.

UNIVERSE: Come on, you know motherhood is the best.

ME: Of course. But why, WHY is it so hard sometimes?

UNIVERSE:  You’re doing a great job. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

ME: Easier said than done.

UNIVERSE: Give yourself some credit. And know every mom out there is going through the same shit.

ME: Okay.

UNIVERSE: Is it time for cocktails?

ME: Fuck Yeah.


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