Kids say the darndest things. So do parents. Ever wonder what any of it means half the time? Ever try to figure out what your child needs when they are lying on the floor screaming intelligible ramblings? Ever wonder what is coming out of your mouth when you’re trying to scream back at a 3 year old?

Well, today is your lucky day. We’re going to decode some of that mumbo jumbo for you in our Swear Word & Small Child Babble Decoder Guide.


SHIT!: Mom needs a break.

FUCK!: Mom really needs a break.

ASSHOLE!: The kids are being assholes.

SON OF A BITCH!: Things are getting ugly.



I WANT A SNACK!: Kid doesn’t know what they want, but will make your life a living hell until you figure it out.

I DON’T LIKE THAT COLOR!: Kid is on the war path and you better take cover.

I DON’T WANT TO WATCH THAT SHOW!: They really do want to watch it, but they need their favorite blanket.

I DON’T WANT TO GO!: Be prepared to stay at the playdate for another 4 hours.

Parent Repeaters

Are your choice of words, (swearing) rubbing off on your children’s vocabulary? Recently my son has taken to using some selective “words”. He’s repeating what he’s hearing and is looking for a reaction.

I’ve been finding some remedies to stopping this and have found that we not only need to obviously watch our language around him, but also encourage appropriate words instead of the potty words. Here’s a helpful article explaining what your response might be in these types of situations.


What other “things” have you, or your small child said that needs to be decoded? Email us at and we’ll decode it for you!


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