YAY! It’s bitch and moan/rant week!

I try not to bitch and moan too much about the insanity that is my life, because after all, our babies will grow up and we will be sad and cry. BUT for now, this week, we are allowing some bitching…What have your lil’ monsters done lately that really grinded your gears?

BTW, if you have not subscribed to BleepingMotherhood.com, do it now! Or we will send dozens of ill tempered cats to your home to live for 3 weeks.


So this week, you can sit back and bask in the glory of a bitch-fest!

Be sure to check back and find out:


  • How many freaking times I have to warm up my coffee before I get a hot sip!
  •  Learn what my bladder and a 90 year old man’s ball sac have in common.
  •  And more!


Be sure to subscribe to BleepingMotherhood.com now AND be sure to click on the Blog seals on the right of our website. Clicking the mommy blog seals every day helps us out. Do it. Do it.

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