This week, Bleeping Motherhood posted a How To video showing moms how you can rock cute hair while having your kids’ favorite foods as a hair accessory. You can check out the video here.

Cheerios and applesauce aside, I think we can all agree there are more things we don’t want in our hair.  So we present:

What I Don’t Want In My Hair

5: Spaghetti. I like making it for my kids. I like eating it. I don’t like it in my hair. I know this from personal experience. It’s messy, and sticks to hair like glue. If you’re super bored, go ahead and put some spaghetti in your hair. I’ll be there to say, “I told ya so.”

4: Oatmeal. We all know that oatmeal, if not eaten and rinsed immediately will harden into a thick paste. Unless you want to attempt a sculpture in the shape of your head/face, I suggest slathering oatmeal on your head and letting it dry. Otherwise, steer clear of oatmeal.

3: Bats. I don’t want bats in my hair. Let me repeat. I do NOT want bats in my hair. Or anywhere in my immediate surrounding area.

2: Kim Kardashian. I’d prefer if a mini Kim K. could cease hanging out in my hair. That includes any of the Kardashian’s, Kanye, and Caitlyn. My hair has been through enough torture. I don’t need a reality show to add to my hair’s stress.

1: Glass. I’m not sure why I’m so particular, but there’s something about broken shards of glass that makes me say, “I don’t want that in my hair”.

What food or other items do you NOT want in your mom hair? Tell us now at

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