I saw a MEME the other day that stated: “I wrote all of your opinions on a roll of toilet paper and I’m going to wipe my ass with it.”

Ahhhh. Unsolicited advice. The creme de le creme of motherhood’s double edge sword. You want and need advice. But you want and need it on your own terms. Not the terms of the happy helping advice giver.

So what’s a girl to do? How much advice do we REALLY need? Thinking back on being a first time mom (nearly 5 years ago), I felt a little lost and sometimes scared about how I would make this thing called “motherhood” work. I did ask questions. But a huge pet peeve was getting thrown “this is how I’d do it”conversations that conspired.

I actually get brain fog when considering how much unsolicited advice I got as a new mother. Most of the time, I think most people were legit trying to help me out. But there were times when people were just being plain annoying.

Here’s how the Unsolicited Advice Math breaks out:

Legit Helpful People: 80%

Annoying People: 10%

Complete Assholes: 10%

From my perspective, everything is trial and error. You do what works. You keep trying until you find a way to make it work. No one is walking in your shoes. No one is waking up in the middle of the night with your crying child. You know what’s best. I’ve learned to trust my motherly instincts. Sometimes it pans out. Sometimes it doesn’t. I live and learn. And when I really need a break from trying, I ask for advice.

Do you like unsolicited advice, or do you find it annoying? Tell us at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com

Have you received a little too much unsolicited advice and need a good laugh? Get Bleeping Motherhood’s Would You Rather book today!

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