We’ve spent the week on mom fails for good reason.  It really does happen to every mom.  Every single one of you has dropped your head in shame about one thing or another.  And it is ok.  Remember, we’re all in this together.

Remember this next time you are at the playground and you have a mom fail moment.  When you are at the grocery store and things go bad.  And follow this tip – stop going alone.

Mom Fails Rescue Tip

Some of my biggest mom fails were in front of other moms.  And you know what?  Those moms helped me out.  Sometimes it was for a change of clothes, sometimes it was handing me a beer.  My tip is, stop trying to go it alone.  Stop going out with your kids without your mom friends.    My mom friends have fed, changed and loved my kids when I’ve forgotten food, drinks, diapers, wipes and sanity.  Raise your hand, ask for help.  You might even hear some mom fail stories that make yours seem tame!

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