I tried to remember a time before kids. Of course, I was able to. But when you’re in the thick of things, it seems like you’re living in bubble. It can be tough, and rough at times, and magical and amazing other times.

You can feel alone and depressed one day and joyful and inspired the next. What gives?

Bleeping Motherhood, right?

The ebb and flow of motherhood is a bit overwhelming. Among other things (like coffee and wine), sometimes having your own mom tribe can help when you are at wits end.

We’ve done extensive focus group testing (we asked our toddlers) on what makes a great mom. At the end of the day, the results were inconclusive. But, they all agree in one thing. They love their mommy.

Shouldn’t that be enough? Some days, yes. But sometimes, you really need a good, solid mom tribe to bring you out of your funk, and into a bar, err, I mean into the light.

Me, I don’t have an extensive mom tribe. But I do have a core group of people that I love, trust and that I can go to in pinch. And that’s plenty tribe for me.

Fake Tribes

In my back pocket, I also keep fake tribes. What’s a fake tribe? It’s something I can turn to when I need a mood changer in a jif. For example, if my kids just poured a box of cereal all over the floor and begin dancing all over it, I may not be at my all time happiest. Who do I turn to? My Golden Girls – Rose, Dorothy, Blanche & Sophia. That show is my guilty pleasure, and when I watch it, I feel like I’m in therapy with a bunch of girlfriends.

How can you get a fake tribe? Well, ask yourself, what show, movie, song, or thing is an instant mood changer for you? And keep that shit handy!

Are you a Grey’s Anatomy lover?
Are you obsessed with Game Of Thrones?

Could you watch This Is Us over and over again?

Do reruns of The Office make you feel all warm inside?

Then hip hip hooray! You’ve found your fake tribe.

Do you have a fake tribe? Tell us now by commenting below or continue the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood Facebook page.

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