Have you seen a mom walking around Target with matted hair, a glazed look and an adorable baby strapped in/secured in her cart?  You can recognize a Mombie (get it, Mom Zombie) an aisle away.  Possibly because you remember being there yourself?

There’s many reasons to become a Mombie.  Frankly, babies need to eat like every two hours.  But it could also be because they need the proper gear.  Anna From ReviewsBees is here to help!

After careful research (hear that, research!) they gathered all the top baby care tools that will make every mother’s life much easier and more comfortable. Here they’ve compiled  the most needed products that mothers should hurry to possess both for saving their time and for making the most out of their babies’ childhood.

Top Baby Care Tools – Choosing the Best Life with Your Baby


  • Baby carrier backpacks: Going on long walks or hikes with a baby or a toddler might be the dream, but sometimes carrying them in the front can get uncomfortable and tiring. Here is where the popular baby carrier backpacks come to help you. Baby carrier backpacks are comfortable not only for long walks but also for fulfilling your routine tasks such as going on a shopping.  With these backpacks you’ll be able to carry your child without bumping him into things (like the on switch to the gas oven, for example) and at the same time you can rest assured about his safety.

There are two main types of backpack carriers: framed and unframed. The former are comparatively more expensive, but are worth the purchase. They are sturdy and make up a comfy, balanced position for your baby. The latter are much cheaper and lighter as they lack this support frame. Because of this your baby will sit lower in them making you feel like you are carrying a much heavier weight.

  • Nasal aspirator: Here is what you need in order to keep your little one’s nasal cavity clean. The aspirator is operated by means of a tube that is to be held in your mouth, the best means of first aid especially when your baby has caught a cold.  I know, I know, it sounds gross, but every mom that has ever said they have the Nose Frieda won’t stop talking about why its the best. thing. ever.
  • Baby care timer: Imagine having a device that reminds you that your baby is about to get hungry so you can prepare food before the meltdowns begin?  That’s what this device does!  It’s like a super-preparedness tool!  The baby care timer will remind you of feeding, diaper changing and nap time, right on time.
  • Breastfeeding station: This might include a comfy rocking chair for you to sit on while breastfeeding or a soft pillow for your baby’s comfort or something related to these. Lots of moms have noted in a number of reviews that they can’t do without a breastfeeding station and that the latter makes the process much easier.  Don’t forget a copy of Bleeping Motherhood’s Would You Rather: Pregnancy, Baby & Beyond to keep you laughing the whole time.
  • Electric nail trimmer: It’s no news that trimming a baby’s nails can be a lot of trouble. The first time I cut my baby was a slip of the nail trimmer.  It was soooo traumatic!!  But here is another achievement of the innovative technology – an electric battery operated nail trimmer – it will gently trim your baby’s nails without harming the skin around them. This one has really great reviews!
  • Cotton balls: If your baby has just arrived to the world then the best way to clean her little eyes and skin is by means of sterile cotton balls. Simply, dip them in water and they are ready to carry out the cleaning task.
  • Digital thermometer: Don’t forget to have a digital thermometer bought specifically for your child at hand.
  • Bandages and adhesive tape: And last but not least, always remember to have these first aid items with you no matter where you are. It’s obvious for the big owies, and a simple band-aid always seems to help the little owies as well.

Next time you see a Mombie walking around, send her to this link and help make her life easier!

Thanks again to Anna from ReviewsBee for her help!

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