Here’s one simple trick that will get your feet rubbed, and maybe even earn you a couple minutes to yourself.

Put a dish towel over your shoulder just before your husband walks in the door. Not only will you look like you have been multi tasking for hours, it adds to the “abused mom” character. (See before and after). And the best part? You don’t have to say ANYTHING. Your husband (unless he’s a total moron) will catch on immediately that you’ve “had a bad day”, and automatically start helping out without reservation. The baby needs a diaper change, he’ll do it. The spaghetti needs to be drained? He’s on it. He thinks you’ve had a bad day and wants to avoid stepping on wifey land minds.

Now, don’t be an ass and ruin this for the rest of us. Don’t towel up EVERY SINGLE DAY. Do it sparingly, here and there. On days when you really need it. Test this out and fill us in. And if it didn’t work, well, your husband’s a moron.

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