8 Questions & Answers that will explain everything. Why 8? Because that’s all we had time for.

Naomi Pelss is a wife and mother of four children ages 12, 10, 7 and 1.  Her youngest blessing came when she was 41 years old.  Naomi is the manager of a child care centre, and has been a registered Early Childhood Educator for almost twenty years.  She blogs about her parenting journey at www.morewithfourblog.com  Some of her posts are informative, some are sentimental, and some of her posts are funny.  All of her posts are honest and real.


MORE WITH FOUR BLOG you have 24 Hours To Live! (And by live, we mean you somehow finagled to get away and get 24 hours of kid-free, no responsibilities, me-time!)


  1. You have 20 bucks in your pocket. What will you do with it? Um…how much wine would that get me?  Oh wait, we better make it a little stronger if I only have 24 hours.  I would buy however much whiskey that would get me.  It doesn’t surprise me that I only have $20, but it is a real shame I didn’t have more so I could shop until I drop.  Shopping makes me happy. Shopping and whiskey make me happy.
  2. What will you be wearing? Well, since I don’t have my four children with me, then I might possibly have time to shower (if there’s any hot water left) and try to put on something flattering (that is if I remembered to put the clean laundry into the dryer).  Do I have enough time to do my hair and put on a little mascara?  That would be an added bonus.
  3. During this 24 hour period, you have to complete a challenge – Would You Rather eat chicken McNuggets for 1 full hour (no dipping sauce), OR, make out with a live chicken for 10 seconds? Why?  Oh, I’m lovin’ it!  I would most definitely be eating chicken Mcnuggets  I don’t always eat McDonald’s, but when I do I could eat Mcnuggets for a whole hour.  No dipping sauce?  No worries.  Remember I have whiskey to wash it down.  I would rather fill my face with chicken, than have it pecked at by a chicken, thank you.
  4. What are the Top 5 things you’ll want to have with you?
    1. Whiskey  Never mind, that is the whiskey talking.  I think I have enough of that. 
    2. Cell phone.  Let’s be real, I am a Mom so I have to check in on the kids, and the hubby, and everyone in Facebook land.
    3. Chauffeur.  I’m sick of driving.  Every day I’m driving loud, messy, tiny humans around in a mini-van.  I want a chauffeur in a limo and for once I will not have to drive.  He can be my D.D.  He just happens to be young and cute and his name is Sergio.   “To the mall!” I instruct Sergio.  Hey, this is fun.
    4. Chocolate.  No explanation needed.
    5. Credit card.  With four kids and a dog, there’s not much in the bank, so I better make sure I have the good old credit card on hand.
  5. What will you be drinking? Please refer to answer #1.  I will try to test the Irish saying, “What whiskey will not cure there is no cure for”.  Cheers!  “To the liquor store!” No seriously Sergio, we need a pit stop.
  6. What Game Of Thrones character would you do, and why?  Admittedly, I do not watch the show so I have no idea.  But since we are likely referring to hot TV characters, I say let’s bring back “Mc Steamy” from Grey’s Anatomy.  Hey, while we are at it, let’s bring back “Mc Dreamy” as well… I would have those two as my doctors any day.  In fact, I’m not feeling so well all of a sudden… someone call a doctor…
  7. It’s hour 23. What will you do with your last hour?  Although the mall was fun, I don’t blame the security guard for kicking me out.  At hour 23 I am a really drunk hot mess so I am probably doing a mean air guitar one minute and crying the next. Great, the only time I wear mascara in the past month and now it is running down my face.  Sergio must think I’m nuts by now. I am likely contemplating what a beautiful, fantastic family I have and how blessed I am.  Then, in the next breath I will be “momplaining” about how they all drive me nuts and make me want to drink whiskey or shop ‘til I drop.  Then I will feel super guilty for even thinking that and pray to God for forgiveness and cry with joy over the wonderful life I have and how my four children are the best thing that ever happened to me.
  8. How will this 24 hours have changed you?  Well all good things must come to an end.  That was a fun 24 hour pretend party.  I have a feeling all those Mcnuggets and whiskey are going to come back to haunt me though.  I may need to call a doctor if you know of any good ones… I will realize the importance of 24 hours of freedom to a Mom and make plans to hire Sergio and do it again sometime soon.  Then I will go and hug my hubby and my kids.

You can follow Naomi all over the place:

www.losethecape.comwww.catholicmommyblogs.com, and www.togetherfamilies.com,

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