One thing I really hate doing is making sandwiches. It’s weird, but for whatever reason, making sandwiches really grinds my gears.

How will I ever make it as a mom of school age children if I can’t make a simple sandwich for their lunch?

Luckily, people come up with fun ways to make lunch silly and more interesting by creating characters and animals out of food. Sounds like work?

Well here’s a tip. Instead of making the traditional food characters and lovable animals, create your own genres and themes. Your children’s lunches will never be the same.

Children Lunch Ideas

Snack Notes
Using carrot and pretzel sticks, spell out a note to the teacher: (using yogurt to make them stick to the Tupperware):
“You’re a whore. Just kidding, we really like you Mrs. Floogal. Love Brady”

Game of Thrones
Reinvent boring PB&J and recreate the Game of Thrones Red Wedding episode:
Make men and women cutouts with white bread; and squirt strawberry jelly all over them. Then punch the entire set up with your fist to create a giant, disgusting murder mess. Add peanut butter to taste.

Afternoon Hydration Thermos
Combine 1 large thermos of ice with 1 cup of orange juice and 2 cups of vodka. Shake until…
Oh wait, that’s my afternoon hydration thermos.

How do you serve school lunches? Tell us now at, comment below or continue the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood facebook page.

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