The idea of having a baby inside of you one minute and coming out of your body the next minute can be a bit, well overwhelming.

With each of my two pregnancies, I tortured myself by watching TV shows like, “A Baby Story”, and “One Born Every Minute”. Panicking myself about my own labor and delivery, I was addicted to these shows and anticipated how and when my little ones would make their arrival. Crying like a hormonal freak with each episode.

Google. As If I Needed One More Thing To Make My Pregnant-Self Crazy.

Once my due dates approached, I shelved the TV shows, and then became a manic Googler. I was about a week late (with each of my pregnancies), and kept looking for ways to kick start labor. Google search came up with anything from eating pineapple, to walking, to going for a long car rides, to sex.

And of course, every little symptom of anything that seemed like a mere hint of labor became my next hot Google search item. Can you imagine if instead of just Googling my 5 kazillion questions, I actually called the doctor EVERY SINGLE TIME I had a symptom question? My doctor’s office might have started answering the phone “we no a speak the English?”.

But alas, despite thinking that the kids were going to stay in utero for the rest of my life, both of my kids did decide to make their arrivals.

Sophia, now 4.5 made her arrival on December 3rd 2011. The labor and delivery took about 8 hours total. It started off really painful but thanks to a super-awesome strong epidural, I didn’t feel much after that.

My son Mikey, now 2.5 was born on October 20, 2013. He arrived in about 5 hours start to finish. I had an epidural with him, but for some reason I felt EVERYTHING, including the ring of fire, which totally freaked me out.

To look back on the deliveries, they both seemed surreal. Like, did that even happen? And then you’re in the “newborn” fog and all you really have to look back on to prove that 2 watermelons exited your vagina are your memories, and a few photographs of your swollen body holding an amazing newborn baby in a hospital bed.

For every mom. Yes, that shit did happen. Yes you’re mom. Good fucking job, btw. And Happy Mother’s Day to you.

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