Screen Shot 2015-04-30 at 3.23.48 PMAs I eat pizza at the pizza parlor with my 2 children, I can sense that my lil guy is getting restless. He’s at level 7, and I need to get the fuck out of there before he becomes level 10. Which in mommy terms; he transforms into Godzilla, stepping on humans, eventually eating them.

Two feet from our table, a man on his lunch break tries to eat his pizza. I’m guessing he was not thrilled with my tantrum-filled children, as I’m sure he was hoping for 30 minutes of peace and quiet.

Sorry guy. Not while I’m there. Not with my two hooligans. And certainly not while we sit at a table directly behind you.

As I gather up the children and make our exit, my son lets out a high pitch screech in this gentleman’s face. Loud enough to shatter glass. The guy didn’t shudder. He just kept eating his pizza. I imagine this gentleman returned to work after he ate his pizza.

Here’s a list of things I think he may have done instead:

– Sold his home, and moved to Guatamala

– Put an ad on Craigslist to prostitute himself

– Became an Atheist

– Quit his job and became a tranny

So Mister, whoever you are, thanks. Thanks for not turning over your shoulder and giving my kids “the look”. Thanks for not turning over your shoulder and giving ME “the look”. Instead, I salute you, Guy Trying To Eat Your Pizza. For you will be the best, transvestite, Atheist-prostitute that Guatemala has ever seen.

Have you ever been given “the look” in public? Do share!

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