We’ve been talking about bake sales this week. And I must say, there’s really nothing better than a good ol’ fashion bake sale. Am I right, ladies?

Okay, that’s a load of bull. I can think of at least 3 other things that are better.

Beer. Wine. Vodka.

So what’s this week’s tip? Add to the traditional bake sale. Keep the bake sale, but add a few very necessary products that will not only enhance the bake sale, but bring it to a whole new level. A level that moms will not only enjoy, but will bring pockets full of money to donate to the cause.

What are these products? Come on, don’t be shy. Say it with me.

Beer. Kegs of beer. In each corner of the bake sale, there shall be ice cold beer. And hot dudes standing there ready to pump the keg up, and pour it for you. How badass would that be?

Next? Wine. Wine as far as the eye can see. Reds. Whites. Blushes. What’s your pleasure? Grab a fancy wine glass, walk your ass over to the wine table and pour yourself a huge glass.

Lastly…vodka. Vodka at a bake sale you say? Yup! Vodka on ice, vodka and cranberry juice. Who gives a shit. You’re drinking vodka. At a bake sale.

And just when you’re thinking, wow this sounds pretty freaking great…you realize that you were sleeping and it was only a dream. Oh well. Nice try.

If you could serve adult drinks at a bake sale, what would be your drink of choice? Something that goes well with sugary treats, like coffee & Bailey’s? Or would you go balls deep and go straight for the hard stuff? Tell us now: comment below or continue the conversation at the Bleeping Motherhood facebook page.

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