Ever try to get a family photo while on vacation? LOL

Here’s 3 Steps in how to “attempt” a good photo on a family vacation:

3: Give your kids candy. Your dentist will punch me in the face for saying that, but giving a kid a lollypop will help ensure a small window to get a decent picture. Maybe.

2: Expect the worst. And then anything less than a crying, pissy, uncooperative child will feel like a HUGE victory.

1: Pray. The photo is likely not going to happen. Who’s looking down, who’s eyes are closed. Who’s crying. You really need to say a couple Hail Mary’s and you “might” have a chance, at gettin’ a decent shot. Good fucking luck.


Here’s an attempt at getting our Family Vacation photo, a.k.a. Vacation Photo Fail.


How did we do?

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Share your vacation fail photos with us now at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com



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