We’ve lived in our current house a little over four years.  In those four short years, I’ve been trying to get my children to garden with me.  Ridiculous, right?  What can I say, “Optimistic Mom” stays alive!

In those four years, I’ve bought probably eight different pairs of children sized gardening gloves to encourage their participation.  We have one single glove left.  And it isn’t even hidden in the garage, because that got cleaned out last weekend.  No, 15 gardening gloves have been dispersed around the world, leaving only one single glove left in our possession.  That’s going to go well, come gardening time.  I’m sure my two children will happily share one single glove.


Here’s my tip to you.

Don’t buy any gardening gloves for your children.  Don’t buy shovels, rakes, buckets intended to “help you” garden.  It’s a gigantic waste of money.  If they want gloves, tell them to get their hands dirty.  If they want a rake, tell them to use a stick.  If they want a shovel, let them try yours until they knock themselves out.  But please, take it from us at Bleeping Motherhood and don’t bother buying child-sized gardening equipment.

I know you won’t listen to me.  Your “Optimistic Mom” voice will override me.  Don’t feel bad, I probably won’t take my own advice either.

But let it be said, I warned you.

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