Hey Moms! You obvi know you deserve the best of the best this Mother’s Day.

If you have any doubt that your Mother’s Day Gift will be less than adequate, here’s a nice, ripe vocabulary word that you can sprinkle around in conversating with the significant other.

Hopefully, this will spark a little (or huge) light bulb in dear SO’s head, reminding him of what you went through during the birth of human beings. And you will end up with a stellar surprise gift.

The Vocab Word is, “Episiotomy” (said like Jim Carrey in The Cable Guy)

How to slip “Episiotomy” into conversation with your significant other:

  • Option 1: “Hey honey, can you pass me the chips and episiotomy, I mean dip?”
  • Option 2: “What did you want to have for episiotomy, I mean dinner tonight?”
  • Option 3: “Hey ass! I had my vadge area split open. That’s right. An Episiotomy! ”

You can also substitute “Episiotomy” with “Perenium Stitches”, and you should obtain the same results.

For optimal Mother’s Day Gift getting results, send an email to your significant other and list out all the items you want followed by the word Episiotomy typed out 25 times.

Send us your results to sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com

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