I’ve done a ton of research on tips for taking children on a road trip.  Of course I know about the packing new toys, food, electronics – we’ve covered that.  Some tips say work some learning into your trip.  I say, after four hours, every fiber of my being is circulating around survival.  And you want me to ask them to read?  Have you ever been with a young child learning to read?

The Road Trip Magic Tip

Until I found the magic tip for taking children on a road trip, and I’m disappointed I didn’t think of this earlier.

Rent a van.

Here’s what I like about it – you’ll get 10 minutes of happy while the children enjoy the novelty of it.  Then fighting will certainly ensue about who sits where or has the better view or the most foot space.  But don’t dismiss those 10 minutes.

You can load it like the children’s playroom and have them disappear in the back for hours.  Even pull out toys you haven’t seen in a while.  Why not?  You are in a van!

It’s someone else’s van.  As long as its in good condition (and my parents can attest to the horrors of renting a vehicle in poor condition), if the kids fuck it up, it isn’t your van.  Will you possibly lose the deposit?  Yes.  Well worth it to walk away from the ground up cheerios, spilled milk, marker adorned vomit comet you spent the trip in.

And then, you might get 10 minutes of happy while the children enjoy the novelty of the old car.  Maybe.  But I wouldn’t count on it.

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