As I mentioned earlier this week, last weekend we had a camping adventure.  As many times as my husband and I have gone, we keep talking about a list of things we should check off to remember.  This time was no different, there were crucial things we did forget.  Hopefully we can use this list next time:

Top 5 Things To Not Forget

5 – Paper Towels: Yes, total rookie mistake to not bring paper towels.  I had asked my husband if he packed them, thought I got a reply but he said he didn’t hear me (maybe I should pack a hearing aid?).

4 – Fire making device: *hangs head in shame* we didn’t bring a lighter or matches.  It’s embarrassing to admit that we’ve actually gone camping before and had no way of lighting the fire.

3 – Enough underwear: Ok, so I did forget to pack underwear for someone in our group.  Luckily we weren’t camping very long.

2 – Spatula: Necessary for food preparation.

1 – More wine then you’ll need: Ladies, when I tell you how close we came to running out of wine, in the woods, it’ll scare you.  And if you don’t want to drink wine out of enamel coffee cups, perhaps some enamel wine cups?  Simply a suggestion.

What have you missed from your camping necessity list?  Comment below or continue the conversation on our Facebook page.

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