Brad from the Cosmic Geppetto Podcast is back with us, getting us excited for Father’s Day.

The kids ask what I want for Father’s Day.  

Well…They don’t really ask.  They are marched into the living room.  They stand in a line. They mumble something.  My wife, the drill sergeant for this exchange, says, “Did you ask what Daddy wants for Father’s Day?”

Our oldest child, Chase, nods a little.  Our twins Logan and London are trying to coax our new kitten to come out from under the coffee table.  The kitten, Mowgli, isn’t coming out unless he can fashion a melee weapon out of the dust bunnies formed under our furniture.  Because sweeping and mopping is my job.

What do I Want?

5. An Entire Serving of Caramel M&M’s: Love these things.  Absolutely love ‘em. Cannot believe it took till now to combine these ingredients.  Why has science failed us for so long? The problem is the kids know if I go into a convenience store, I’m coming back with a ‘Sharable’ sized package of the confection.  And they know what sharable means. Especially when it relates to me giving up candy. London will expectantly yell out, “Dad! I have my hand out.”

4. To Not Have to Explain Dirty Song Lyrics: I’m not talking about outright profanity.  It turns out a lot of songs I love have surprisingly dark subject matter.  And the kids have questions. “What is a ‘Street Corner Girl?’ And why is the Led Zeppelin searching for her?”  Even music you think is safe is surprisingly adult. Taylor Swift is harmless, right? She is right until you hear your six-year-old chirp, ‘His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room.

3. A Shoe Organizer:  Not for me.  I have three pairs of shoes.  Four if you count flip-flops partially mauled by our golden retriever.  I want a shoe organizer for the kids. That they use. Because when I get to the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter will look in his book and say, “Mr. Mendenhall, I see 12 years of your time on Earth was spent finding shoes with matching Paw Patrol characters.”

2. A Grill:  I love the taste of food cooked outside.  There is something about meals prepared on a device local insects mated upon.  Everyone reading this will remember the previous sentence at their next cookout.  You’re welcome.

1. A Quiet Night w/ My Wife:  We’ve been married 16 years.  She’s more beautiful today than she was the night we met.  Her every waking moment is dedicated to loving and caring for these amazing little humans that make up the center of our world.  I would love so much a night where the kids are having fun elsewhere and she and I can have much needed ‘us’ time. Perhaps we stay in, cook something on the new grill (‘Don’t think about what the ladybugs did!’), turn in early, cuddle up, look into each other’s eyes and then…wake up.  Because we fall asleep at 8:30pm.


Brad Mendenhall is the Host / Co-Founder of the Cosmic Geppetto Podcast, where he talks about all things geeky.  

His son Chase once said, “Daddy, I love you.  But I love Mommy more.” Brad understands.

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