A quick search on the internet for cooking with kids and you’ll find a plethora of healthy recipes with beautiful images of smiling moms and angelic children engaged in Pinterest worthy masterpieces.  However, even after perusing the second page of google results and I still can’t find recipes you shouldn’t cook with kids.  Don’t worry – we’ll help you with that.  After having tried to create the Pinterest fantasy for the last six years, I’ve got some recipes to avoid.

Don’t Make These Recipes With Your Kids

5 – Bananas Flambe: Really, any recipe that requires the flambe tool you should avoid.  Any time you need to use a flame to cook, you want to do it in a more controlled environment.  And when adding in children, probably want to avoid open flames altogether.

4 – Sugar Cookies: This really only applies if you have a kid that will put everything in their mouth.  When I make these with my sugar/butter loving daughter, fingerprints of butter are lost and handfuls of dough disappear before anything can get baked.  Add in the salmonella factor and it is a risky proposition.

3 – Fried Bacon: The splatter effect weighs heavily here.  You will likely find yourself throwing yourself in the line of fire.  And getting hit with bacon splatter never makes a day better.  Be sure to avoid it.

2 – Borscht: Really any recipe with beets you’ll want to avoid.  First, I’ve never met a kid that will actually eat borscht, so you are already striking out on the cooking aspect.  Second, beets stain.  Everything.  You are more likely to have your kids looking like a prime suspect in a criminal act that have them successfully complete cooking and eating this dish.   Avoid the CPS visit and avoid borscht.

1 – Sushi: Unless you are a very skilled sushi chef, chances are that the high level of skill required in putting this together would cause excess yellling and stomping out of the kitchen.  Even a tantrum or two, and not just from the kids.   Chances are also very high that the idea of raw fish will trigger the gag reflex in most children.  And in those that don’t and turn out to love it, that’s a very expensive habit to support.

There you have it.  Don’t make these foods with your kids.  Do you have any other recipes you avoid making with kids?  Tell us below or continue the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood facebook page.

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