Whether you are a stay at home mom, a working mom, or a work from home mom, or any combination thereof, I think we can all agree. It’s hard.

It’s a constant juggle, with hundreds of balls in the air at any given moment. There’s probably only one other thing that can be harder than being a SAHM, working mom, or any variation — and that’s the common core math problem your 4th grader brought home the other day.

I happen to be a work from home mom. And while it’s hard, I’ve found balance in mastering the ability to prioritize things as they arise. Here’s how I prioritize my day:

Bleeping Audrey’s Priority List:

Coffee! 1: Coffee is not only a priority, it’s mandatory. If I don’t get coffee first thing, shit goes downhill pretty fast.

Food! 2: The kids need to eat. When they get up, I feed them.

Play! 3: The kids need to play. We play, we dance, we make a mess.

Various Other Crap! 4: All kinds of things come up during the day. I tend to whatever needs taking care of on an as-need basis. For me, that’s the key. As need basis.

So as you can see, necessities is my name, and prioritizing is my game. And everyday, I hit the “Coffee, Food, Play, Various Crap” repeat button until about 8:30 p.m. when I can get the kids to bed and do it all over again the next day. I’m a mom. And with all the things that arise during the day, I really try to take it moment by moment. Breath by breath. And when the day comes to a close and I know I “got through it”, I’m pretty damn proud of myself. And you should be too.

Are you a stay at home mom, working mom, or variation? Tell us how you “work” through your day at sothishappened@bleepingmotherhood.com

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