One of the more entertaining aspects of my baby shower was my mother’s reaction to the gifts I received.  Not because she was overwhelmed by the generosity of family and friends, but because she had a hard time keeping the, “what in god’s name is that used for” look and “what a ridiculous waste of money” look off her face.  More amusing was the look on her face when I told her I registered for a number of these things.

Baby Shower Gifts My Mom Couldn’t Understand

5. The Peepee Teepee – As my first child is a boy, the Peepee Teepee is a boy-centered gift meant to shield the caregiver from the inevitable stream of pee that may happen during diaper changes.  My mom had two girls.  I’ll guess she’s changed up to 5 boy diapers in her life.  You can bet she didn’t use a Peepee Teepee.

4. Diaper Genie – My mom used cloth diapers.  And washed them herself (who had diaper services then?).  Why would you keep 25+ stinky diapers in a plastic container?

3. Mesh Feeder – You know those things that are made of mesh, you open, stick a frozen strawberry in, then give to your baby for them to gnaw on?  Those were news to my mother – after all, that’s what chicken bones are used for!

2. Sleepsack – Halo’s gift to creating for those lacking in swaddle ability.  My mom’s eyebrows nearly met in the middle in her utter confusion at the use of the gift.  Almost as if I was going to be torturing her newborn grandbaby.  Wouldn’t you know when she came to help when the baby was born, what an expert she’d become at swaddling and the sleepsack!

1. The Boppy – Probably more used to seeing the u-shaped pillow as something people would use on their shoulders while traveling, her eyes widened and she whispered to my (childless) friend, “what is that for?”  I wonder if she thought I was gearing up for lots of naps.

Can you imagine her reaction to a Nose Frieda or a Wipes Warmer? What were the big winners of the weirdest gifts to your mom at your shower?

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