Can you guess which Would You Rather questions from our new book are truths and which is a lie?

We’ve gone through so many ups and downs, laughing and crying and so much more, that we had to include it in our new book Bleeping Motherhood’s Would You Rather: Pregnancy, Baby & Beyond. But, we also did a ton of brainstorming and came up with several “What If” questions. So we slipped in some silly, funny questions, too.

Let’s see how good you are. Can you spot the 4 Truth questions? 4 of these questions ACTUALLY happened to Bleeping Kerri, or Bleeping Audrey. Which one is the lie? Comment below and share with a mom friend to see if they can guess correctly. We’ll announce which one is the LIE later today.

1: Have your nipples bleed from breastfeeding a newborn who has a shallow latch.

2: Have your toddler, on your back in a backpack tell you there’s a spider on your back.

3: Announce your pregnancy to your family on Easter using a hardboiled egg that says “Baby”.

4: Ask your father-n-law to pick up pads for post-birth bleeding.

5: Have your water break at Red Lobster.

Want more of these ridiculous questions in your life? Buy our book today and bring it along to your next playdate or mom’s night out. You’ll love contemplating doing one crazy thing over the other.

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