Moms are late, but is it really our fault?  Here are some reasons we’ve been late – can you relate?

5 – My children were in a knock-down, drag-out fight.  Once I finally pulled them apart and quieted the screaming, I found out it was because one of them took an imaginary wand from the other.   Once I “imagined” another wand for the other, it was too late, we were already late.

4 – My son wouldn’t leave the house without wearing flip flops.  During a snowstorm.

3 – My daughter wouldn’t take off her Cinderella dress before going for a hike in the woods.

2 – The car battery wouldn’t start.  Probably because the kids left the interior lights on the day before when they snuck in to play driving.

1 – We actually left on time, but I forgot my coffee.  Ain’t nobody got time for a momma without her coffee, so our stop at Dunkin Donuts made us late.

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