Is co-sleeping that dirty little secret that no parent admits to?  Half the posts we see on Facebook mom groups start their co-sleeping question with, “don’t judge me”.  Don’t worry, no judgement here!  We just want to laugh at the way our kids torture us as we all try to get a little sleep.  We checked out instagram and found we sure aren’t alone, all of us co-sleepers are all getting tortured (as well as cuddled).

Top 5 Co-Sleeping Problems

5: Shh, Mommy

We love this one from Naturally Nila who hashtags #blessed while getting shushed by a tiny baby foot.  At least she knows where that foot has been, right?

4: Dad sleeps where?

This pic from Danielle of The Green Place seemed pretty typical of co-sleeping, until you read her caption which says her husband took the picture to show there was no place for him!  Haha, where do the dads sleep?

3: It’s all going well until momma gets whacked in the face…..

Snuggled in, going back to sleep, then all of a sudden your little angel rolls over and attempts to give you a bloody nose.  Will you survive co-sleeping without getting any black eyes?  Jill from Boy Momma X2 is cutting it close!

2: Because a 40lb ball of knees and elbows isn’t enough!

This one from wellness coach Natasha made us laugh out loud because it reminded us of all the times we’ve woken up, not just with our children, but with a stuffed animal, lego building or barbie doll nestled in with us.

1: Karma!

It’s hard not to adore this one from Helena of All Bent Out of Cake because its like the children getting their “just desserts”.

We’d love to see your co-sleeping problem pictures so we can all laugh together!  Tag us on instagram @bleepingmotherhood and let us know we’re not alone.

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