TOP 5 Hellish Mom Moments You Could Have Done Without (True Stories, and yes, I am looking for some compassion, and yes you can feel sorry for me):

5: Your dermatologist found a few questionable moles and wants to remove them right then and there, and you have both kids with you, and your little one is super clingy that day, and wants to sit on your lap, while your older one keeps asking, “what are they doing to you mommy” over and over again, and those needles to numb you up freaking hurt like hell!

4: Your kid peed in her bed 3 nights in a row, causing you to strip and wash the bed each time, then your son peed in his bed for the next 2 nights, causing the strip and wash effect, proceeded by daughter peeing in your own bed over the weekend, causing you to just put a towel down to soak it up proceeded by half a bottle of red wine getting consumed, all the while hoping you don’t pee the bed yourself.

3: You hear a “loud bang” from upstairs. You pause to wait for hysterical crying, luckily no child was hurt. However a very large, full, ceramic piggy bank was smashed to bits all over your daughter’s floor, in the middle of a room that was turned upside down, so you have to carefully search every square inch for broken shards of piggy bank.

2: You’re at the pediatrician and it’s flu season, and you’re there to have your son’s lungs checked from a cold that won’t quit. Just about everyone in the waiting room has some gross symptom, and one kid is holding a “just in case” bucket, and another is throwing up in the parking lot. Get me out of here. PLEASE!

1: Both kids are whining ALL DAY LONG, and you have an important conference call in 5 minutes, and cable and Internet are out, and the Monster’s Inc. DVD has a scratch and won’t play, and their favorite snacks just fell all over the floor, all of which causing THE meltdown of the century.

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