Making the decision to get a family pet can be very intense. Kids alone are a big pile of responsibilities. Why would anyone want to layer on top of all the insanity with a pet? Yet, here we are for better or worse with our furry friends. Read about how Bleeping Audrey started adding pets to her family.

Top 5 Reasons You May End Up With A Pet

5: Impulse

Sometimes parents aren’t thinking clearly. Sometimes we are so tired and disgruntled that when a child asks for a pet, we forget all the rationale reasons to not get one. Then we end up putting our key directly into the ignition, driving to a pet store and acquiring a pet. We didn’t necessarily mean to get a pet, and then we spend the next 1-16 years wondering how that happened.

4: Other Pet Just Died

When a family pet dies, it’s a recipe for disaster. If you don’t make it into a positive life lesson somehow, you can get the situation twisted up when your child becomes very upset at the thought of never seeing precious Leo the Lizard again. Don’t get caught up in that. Do not promise another lizard. Just let the lizard go peacefully and if you can get through the first week, you’re home free.

3: You forgot Christmas/Birthday
If you’ve forgotten your child’s birthday or Christmas, then you probably should go get not 1, but several new pets. Before that, try cash. If cash doesn’t work? Sorry, you’re the proud owner of a shiny new puppy.

2: Someone gave it as a present

Who’s the asshole that gave a new kitten to my child for their birthday? Who does that? How can you possibly tell your kid they can’t have the sweet little kitty that they were given as a gift? It’ all good though. For that assholes next birthday, put a wild bear in a large box and send it to them with a sign that says ͞Happy Birthday, open with caution.͟ Too much? Hey, you said open with caution, right?

1: Drunk

75% of parents (yes this is a fake statistic) get family pets under the influence of alcohol. The good news? Once all hell breaks loose and there is dog hair and pet drool all over your house…you can continue to drink. So while your grocery list will now include a few additional items like doggie chow or kitty treats, you can also add 12 pack of beer and Margarita mixers to the list too – win-win!

How did your family pet scenario come about? Tell us now on our Facebook page?

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