When our friends over at Our Start sent us this article, we knew we NEEDED to feature it.  And while we laugh about the guilt we feel on insisting on having some time away from our kids, then miss them the whole time, it can really grow and make your life more difficult.  Check out these tips from Rachel Watson at Our Start.

Top 5 Pieces of Advice to Conquer Mom Guilt:

5 – Stop and take a deep breath: 

As soon as we do something we regret; we snap at our children, at our spouses, or forget about our child’s something or other, it can be easy to make a snap decision. We need to take a deep breath and remember that everything is going to be all right. Ten days from now we will not even remember that this happened. When we feel guilty, or just generally that our lives are spinning out of control faster than helicopter wings, it can be easy to try to self-correct right away. To jump into another hasty decision to correct the seemingly wrong decision we just made. It can be easy to try to appease our kids with candy or some treat so they can forget that mommy just had a meltdown. But, before you do any of those things take a deep breath. Try your best to stay calm. And go to your happy place.

4 – Share your burdens with someone: 

If you are a mom who is struggling with guilt and just general unhappiness in how you are parenting, don’t keep it inside. Find a trusted friend, or better yet your spouse, and share your concerns and feelings of inadequacy with them. You may feel much better knowing that other moms, your own mom, and your husband feel the same way.

3 – Be honest with yourself:

Yes, there are times that we should feel guilty, but there are also times we are too hard on ourselves. Every time that you feel the mom guilt monster creeping back into your thoughts, think about if what you are stressing about is really something you should feel guilty for. Is it really worth disrupting your life with worry? Is it not something you have seen people do millions of times before? Before you let your emotions get the better of you, take time to evaluate if this situation or dilemma truly deserves your feelings of guilt and regret. If you need help figuring that out, once again, talk to someone you trust.

2 – Learn to laugh and let go:

This is by far one of the hardest things to do as a parent. But, if you don’t want to drive yourself insane, you need to start doing it every day. Realize that no one cares if your child’s clothes are not matching and in tip-top shape every day. That your kids most likely won’t notice that you screwed up the banana bread a little bit. When life happens, and things go wrong, chores get left undone, and your child refuses to wear anything expect their princess outfit to preschool, let it go. Embrace these times and laugh at absurd situations. Know that you can’t be perfect and that your kids never ask you to be.

1 – Give yourself breaks:

Everyone needs breaks. Even moms need time-outs sometimes. Set aside small nuggets of time throughout the week for you and you alone. It’s ok that you need ten minutes to pretend you are pooping when you are just checking your Instagram. You shouldn’t feel guilty for hiding some of your kid’s candy for when you watch your one TV show a week. Work with your husband to allow you both to have times where you can relax and recharge. You’ve earned it.

What do you do to battle Mom Guilt?  Tell us below or continue the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood Facebook page.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.

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