Written by Naomi from More With Four Blog.

I have learned so much from having children.  Let me share just a few things…

If it were not for my children, I may never have learned…

5: How “un-cool” I really am.  Thankfully, my daughter reminds me on a weekly basis. I think motherhood has slowly turned me un-cool.

4: That I clearly wasn’t paying attention in grade six math.  Thank God for the internet.  I mean, how do teachers expect us parents to help out if we can’t remember this stuff? I can’t even remember my kids’ names!

3: That there are an incredible amount of viruses and rashes that a child can get and it is highly likely your child will get most of them.  And on a related note, a child can swallow a quarter size gem stone and not worry as, “this too shall pass”.

2: That the pain of giving birth naturally with no medication of any kind is what hell on earth feels like.  Only crazy women experience this four times.

1: That holding a tiny human of God’s creation in your arms for the first time is what heaven on earth feels like.  Incredibly blessed women get to experience it four times.

What has motherhood taught you?  We’d love to hear – comment below or continue the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood Facebook page.

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