At the bus stop, parents openly express their fears and cheers. At the bus stop, parents negotiate who had the most insane morning. At the bus stop, parents talk about their hopes for the day.

I give you:

Top 5 Legit Mom Fears At The Bus Stop:

5: I hope my kid doesn’t get lice today.

4: I’m afraid of the Fourth Grade homework. Like, I’m really afraid.

3: Great, who is going to clean the house and make the beds NOW??

2: I’m not even sure my kids ate their fucking waffles that I HAD to make for them this morning.

1: Is it bad if I nap until 2:29?


What thing did you say or hear someone say at the bus stop this morning? Tell us now at

And we’ll (anonymously of course,), feature your “quote” on our website!

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