Written by The Fit-ish Sisters

The Pumpkin Spice Diet…. Guaranteed to sabotage any healthy lifestyle and force you hide behind a hoodie, Uggs and some baggy ass sweats all season long! Here’s our top five list of things you must have on the daily to have the full Pumpkin Spice Diet experience:

Top 5 Pumpkin Must-Haves

5 – Pumpkin Chips and Fall Salsa: This beautiful combination of tortilla chips and salsa includes both the sweet and the savory. Sprinkled with just the right amount of cinnamon and sugar, yet salty and crunchy. Do not have a portion, eat the whole damn bag for the full effect. Dip the chips in chunky, full of fall tastes, salsa. Apples, Pumpkin, Squash…. This might be the healthiest item on our diet list, but don’t be fooled. If you eat it in combination with the chips, you will still be right on track.

4 – Pumpkin Fro-Yo: Yes, it’s yogurt so it’s healthy, but it’s not “moderation” if you’re hitting up the Red Mango self -serve store every damn day, grabbing that super-sized dish and throwing rainbow cookie morsels on top. I prefer graham crackers and again, white chocolate chips, but that’s another post in itself. We like to enjoy ours in the privacy of our own home where you can lick the bowl clean and savor every last drippy bite.

3 – Pumpkin Baked Goods: This category includes, but is not limited to those amazing Pumpkin Muffins, drizzled with icing, bonus points if they are filled with full fat cream cheese; Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls, hot and sticky from the oven leaving you licking your fingers for days; Pumpkin Cheesecake, because we need a whole brand of cheesecake specialized just to fall; and Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies, with the little bits of heaven in the flavor of white chocolate chips. These amazing treats should be eaten at any time of the day and should not be restricted to dessert. Hell, try them for breakfast! Pumpkin = Vegetable. Bonus points for eating vegetables at breakfast!

2 – Pumpkin Beer with the Cinnamon and Sugar Rim: Pumpkin spice beer. Call it lager, toasted ale, shandy—– you know it’s not the “light low carb” crap! With 200 calories plus a few extra for the fancy rim job, you can drink your way to chubby PLUS get a buzz on! BONUS! Yes, one beer is still “a
treat” but who the hell has one beer?! These beers are seasonal, people! MUST DRINK ALL THE PUMPKIN BEFORE IT’S GONE!

1 – Pumpkin Spice Latte: This amazing sugary drink disguised as coffee just got an upgrade! Did you hear it now contains PUMPKIN WHIPPED CREAM???? Because it wasn’t amaze-balls enough before, now it needs a poof of extra yum and calories galore. Pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg and clove combine, to warm your soul to the core as you aimlessly walk the aisles of Target throwing unneeded objects in everyone’s favorite red cart. I mean does life get any better than these dream concoctions? All Hail the Starbucks Pumpkin Latte! The must-have staple in any Pumpkin Spice Diet!

What is your favorite Pumpkin treat? Tell us now by commenting below or continuing the conversation on the Bleeping Motherhood facebook page.

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